Re: Bug#1054657: Transition seems to be blocked (Was: Bug#1054657: transition: r-bioc-biocgenerics)
On 9 December 2023 at 01:06, Charles Plessy wrote:
| I do not know for r-bioc-netsam, but for and similar
| packages, it is because it is an "annotation package" made of data and
| therefore not managed the same way as the other Bioconductor packages.
| This is why it DESCRIPTION file does not mention its Bioconductor Git
| branch. This is also why its version number matches the Bioconductor
| release number. Also, its homepage resolves to
| while for regular packages there is no data/annotation/html in the URL.
| I think that it does not have to depend on the bioc api pseudo-package.
When r2u builds all of CRAN plus the ~ 200 BioC that are implied plus ~ 200
more that either in Debian or high on BioC's own 'karma' list, I query all
four repositories as one must. That is basically what the BioC installer
helpers always did for twenty-some years. My code (quicker for me to find)
## cf contrib.url(BiocManager::repositories())
## [1] ""
## [2] ""
## [3] ""
biocrepo <- paste0("", .getConfig("bioc_version"), "/bioc")
apBIOC <- data.table(ap="Bioc",
biocdataannrepo <- paste0("", .getConfig("bioc_version"), "/data/annotation")
apBIOCdataann <- data.table(ap="Bioc",
apBIOC <- merge(apBIOC, apBIOCdataann, all=TRUE)
biocdataexprepo <- paste0("", .getConfig("bioc_version"), "/data/experiment")
apBIOCdataexp <- data.table(ap="Bioc",
apBIOC <- merge(apBIOC, apBIOCdataexp, all=TRUE)
Ah, and younger Dirk left a message for current Dirk that this does indeed
show it too:
> contrib.url(BiocManager::repositories())
'getOption("repos")' replaces Bioconductor standard repositories, see
'help("repositories", package = "BiocManager")' for details.
Replacement repositories:
[1] ""
[2] ""
[3] ""
[4] ""
[5] ""
[6] ""
And when I bulk-updated the BioC packages for my 20.04 and 22.04 build in
r2u, I did notice that some of the 'non-R-package packages' in annotations
and experiment did not update. One could always ask BioC which of these are
/ are not considered release dependent. Their slack is open and pretty
friendly, I hang there too.
Cheers, Dirk
-- | @eddelbuettel |
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