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Code of conduct and freedom of speach (Was: Matrix update triggering need for four rebuilds)

Hi Dirk,

Am Fri, Nov 17, 2023 at 04:25:21PM -0600 schrieb Dirk Eddelbuettel:
> On 17 November 2023 at 22:33, Andreas Tille wrote:
> | Am Fri, Nov 17, 2023 at 12:44:37PM -0600 schrieb Dirk Eddelbuettel:
> | > I'll will retreat and focus on things I
> | > can control.
> | 
> | I told you even two ways you can control yourself.  Pick one and be so
> | kind to spare your fellow DDs public accusations. 
> Rest assured that I will *always* correct when you are both PLAIN wrong and
> also silly about it.

I do not comment on statements violating our code of conduct[1].  Last
warning before I report this kind of conversation.

> Upstream asked for rebuilds in the messages I linked to
> here twice. There is nothing more. I rebuilt my packages and now move on. 

Can you confirm that you understood the concept of Bin-NUM[2]?
> But sure it is better for all of us when you run around telling upstream that
> their (perfectly CRAN compliant) packages need to be changed because they do
> not fit your tool and apparently do not like sed.  Got it.

Just to explain this off-topic comment for the readers of this list.  I
assume Dirk is refering to issues like this.  Just have a look at this
Github issue


which is a friendly conversation between upstream and me which was not
spotted by Dirk,  The readers of this list might compare this to this


where I discussed with upstream about the same topic, understood the
reasons why upstream has trouble to do the change I asked them to do
and ended with "OK, understood ...".

After this Dirk felt the need to teach me what I should not do (as he
did in several previous cases).  Dirk has done so several times in the
past trying to stop me talking to other people.

Dirk, to say it clearly: Stop trying to restrict my freedom to speach to
other Free Software developers.  I consider it even offending to them
since you ignore that they are grown up and can speak for themselves.
Please also stop bringing this up in threads where it is off topic.

Kind regards

[1] https://www.debian.org/code_of_conduct
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/binNMU


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