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News from dh-r


I'd like to point out some recent features of dh-r which are
easing the work with a couple of r-* packages:

dh-r (20231109)

  * Deal with wrongly specified versions in DESCRIPTION files for
    instance Matrix (>= 1.6.1) --> r-cran-matrix (>= 1.6-1)

  Note: This works for wrongly specified versions of packages
        gwidgets, matrix, rcolorbrewer, sf  [1]
        since these were the ones that needed patching in some
        packages and some comment from seuratobject upstream[2]
        convinced me that it is sometimes hard for upstream to
        solve an issue we raised.

dh-r (20231024) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Parse debian/rules for extra Build-Depends to enable recreating docs

  Note: Sometimes we need to remove some docs that might contain
        compressed JS.  Nilesh found a way[3] to recreate these docs
        at build time.  However, this requires new Build-Depends that
        were formerly automatically removed from d/control by
        dh-update-R.  This is fixed now and no manual correction is
        needed any more.  I've done this in preparation of smoothing
        Bioconductor migration

dh-r (20230912) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Enable the field "Test-Command" in debian/tests/control

  Note: The Test-Depends are now rewritten according to the field
        Suggests inside DESCRIPTION.  This makes sure all possible
        tests are run (and not possible due to not yet packaged
        Test-Depends are avoided)
  Additional remark: In case there was no test for the package
  before you need to manually add the run-unit-test script and
  also add some missing fields to d/t/control.  Sorry about this
  but luckily this does not happen very frequently.  Feel free
  to bother me about brocken autopkgtest.

Hope you like these changes

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/r-pkg-team/dh-r/-/blob/master/dh/R.pm#L53
[2] https://github.com/mojaveazure/seurat-object/issues/145#issuecomment-1802667237
[3] https://salsa.debian.org/r-pkg-team/r-bioc-ballgown/-/blob/master/debian/rules#L7


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