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Re: Bug#1040001: Seeking advise how to proceed with the transition / move R stack to testing (Was: Bug#1040001: transition: r-base)

Hi Paul,

Am Thu, Jul 06, 2023 at 07:08:04PM +0200 schrieb Paul Gevers:
> Yes, we'll take care of that where it looks sane to do so (examples of that
> are r-cran-epi); I'll manually schedule the "combined" tests, such that they
> disappear from the excuses if they then pass.

OK.  Thanks a lot for this service.  Do you think the remaining serious
tests are blockers?  Should these be closed manually?
> > Alternatively it would probably OK to remove all
> > RC buggy r-bioc-* packages from testing since we need to upload new
> > versions of these packages anyway in the pending BioC transition (I'll
> > file an according bug report soon).
> If you're OK to temporarily remove r-bioc-*, than I think it's the fastest
> and easiest way out, albeit not the prettiest.

For sure it is not pretty, but since once week I'm fighting to non-pretty
things and I'm really happy about fast and easy solutions. ;-)
I have just filed a transition bug for r-bioc-* where we can discuss
issues belonging to this transition.
> Please all involved, hold any uploads in the r-* world until we get r-base
> migrated unless it's needed (and we acked it).

OK, I'll refrain from any upload of r-* packages (I'll answer your other
mail about r-cran-tibble separately).
> Paul
> PS: in a private discussion I had today, we noticed that r-* packages often
> (always?) have a dependency on r-base-core with a lower limited version
> equal to the r-base-core that was used during the build. With the
> appropriate API in Provides of r-base-core, this should no longer be
> necessary and ease migrations in the future.

Could you please give some example to make sure I understand correctly?

> We should probably file a bug
> against dh-r (I guess) to fix that dependency. Or did we conclude that
> wrong?

I'm not sure so please explain in more detail.  dh-r was designed to put
the lowest restriction regarding the versions.  I remember some
discussion some time ago that Dirk thought we should put stronger
restrictions (and he is sometimes adding version restrictions manually
that are not helpful for backporting).  If I will be sure I understand
your point exactly I can check the code and the relevant discussion.
(Feel free to file a bug report about this and we can discuss it there
if you think this makes more sense.)

Kind regards


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