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Update of igraph caused one failing test of lexRankr for i386 architecture

Control: reopen -1
Control: tags -1 upstream
Control: https://github.com/AdamSpannbauer/lexRankr/issues/22


the upgrade of the R package of igraph to version 1.3.5 has caused a
strange test failure in lexRankr which occures only on i386
architecture.  I'm not sure whether this is a failure in igraph or
rather in lexRankr but I have reported it to lexRankr Github issue
tracker for the moment[1].

By adding some debug code[2] found out that in the end its just the
sequence of the parameters which is changed which can be best seen
in the latest debci log[3] where you might like to seek for:

> test_check("lexRankr")
[1] "DEBUG: expectedResult: c(2, 1, 3)"                                                                                    
[2] "DEBUG: expectedResult: c(\"2_1\", \"1_1\", \"3_1\")"                                                                  
[3] "DEBUG: expectedResult: c(\"Is everything working as expected in my test?\", \"Testing 1, 2, 3.\", \"Is it working?\")"
[4] "DEBUG: expectedResult: c(0.48649, 0.25676, 0.25676)"                                                                  
[1] "DEBUG: testResult: c(2, 3, 1)"                                                                                    
[2] "DEBUG: testResult: c(\"2_1\", \"3_1\", \"1_1\")"                                                                  
[3] "DEBUG: testResult: c(\"Is everything working as expected in my test?\", \"Is it working?\", \"Testing 1, 2, 3.\")"
[4] "DEBUG: testResult: c(0.48649, 0.25676, 0.25676)"                                                                  
[ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 142 ]

== Failed tests ================================================================
-- Failure ('test-lexRank.R:41'): object out value -----------------------------
`testResult` not identical to `expectedResult`.
Component "docId": Mean relative difference: 1
Component "sentenceId": 2 string mismatches
Component "sentence": 2 string mismatches

[ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 142 ]
Error: Test failures
Execution halted

You see the expectedResult differs from testResult in the sequence of
the second and third position of the list which is simply swapped.
Since I have no idea how igraph is used here and why it might fail on
i386 only (all other architectures are passing the test) I'd like to
seek for help.

Kind regards


[1] https://github.com/AdamSpannbauer/lexRankr/issues/22
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/r-pkg-team/r-cran-lexrankr/-/blob/master/debian/patches/adjust_tolerance.patch
[3] https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/testing/i386/r/r-cran-lexrankr/29148992/log.gz


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