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Re: .. slider -- fixing R 4.2.2-only bug in as.Date.POSIXlt()

On 10 November 2022 at 15:27, Martin Maechler wrote:
| >>>>> Dirk Eddelbuettel 
| >>>>>     on Thu, 10 Nov 2022 07:16:55 -0600 writes:
|     > On 10 November 2022 at 14:04, Martin Maechler wrote:
|     > | Well, yes, inadvertently, that would be the consequence.
|     > | 
|     > | But more generally, would you really want a version a version
|     > | of R 4.2.2  which is *not* R 4.2.2  but a patched version of it,
|     > | buyt not called "patched".
|     > | 
|     > | I think we (R-core) would very strongly not like that..
|     > Yes as that is how (minimal) patches get applied and reported in ChangeLog.
|     > Some packages (gcc, ...) fairly regularly carry patches.
|     > What you propose (jump point blank to 4.2.2.patched which has not release
|     > number is really no cleaner).
| it has an svn rev number as part of  R.version or
| R.version.string
| > R.version.string
| [1] "R version 4.2.2 Patched (2022-11-06 r83321)"
| > 
| Of course you are right, Dirk, that we *could* consider adding a
| minor-minor patch level, conceptually (if 4.2.2 <==>,
| but in the past we ended up deciding that was too much
| release/maintenance work for us.

I know you are on Fedora and at arm's length but please read the changelog as
to why we do what we do. Other schemes have been tried, and created trouble. Thank you.


dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd@debian.org

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