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Re: How to install r-base from experimental?

Salut Charles,

On 14 April 2020 at 09:35, Charles Plessy wrote:
| I tried to make a chroot with the beta version of R 4.0.0 in
| experimental, but could not install it because r-base depends on
| r-recommended, which depends on packages that have not been rebuilt yet.

The old narrow trick is to

  - not install r-base which is a meta package and wrapper

  - just install r-base-core

  - let go of r-recommended so no issue with the 3.5 tagged packages

  - one quick bulk call to install.r (or equivalent) installing packages
    boot, class, codetools, ... rpart, survival, spatial
| Apart from making a dummy r-recommended package, is there a workaround?

See above.

Otherwise, not really because I have been too lazy to move my base.tgz for
pbuilder / create an alternate for experimental. So so far that version of R
4.0.0 is 'alone'.

As a pragmatic measure I would recommend either

  - Docker: you can use rocker/r-base aka r-base (our Rocker Project produces
    the 'official' R image) and just live with the fact that they get
    uninstalled and just call install.r to locally install them

  - my Ubuntu PPAs have 18.04 and 20.04 sets (because it _is_ a lot easier to
    toss source uploads at launchpad)

I actually made two very quick videos this weekend that show their use:



(and also via Twitter if that is your thing).
| Also, does that suggest that r-recommended should recommend the CRAN
| package that it currently depends on ?, or that r-base should recommend
| and not depend on r-recommended ?

Nothing sinister here. I just didn't think it was worth my while to promote
experimental to a full distro.  Once I upload r-base to unstable, I will
_immediately_ follow with ten or so recommended packages. And as stated, a
chroot or Docker image can easily complement with a quick local install of
the base and required packages.  Or if you were to be insist on "but I can
only run .deb package" then you can of course build yourself a set of local
NMU rebuilds. My salsa sources are all current, and the PPA uploads used. But
I wouldn't think it is worth it.

My money is on Docker for these quick tests.

Hope this helps, happy to take it offline for follow-ups.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd@debian.org

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