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Re: RFS: rootsolve, rmpfr

Hi Oliver,

On Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 07:22:03PM -0300, Oliver Dechant wrote:
> Hello Debian-R Developers, this week I have prepared two new projects
> which can be found on Salsa:
> [1] r-cran-rootsolve
> [2] r-cran-rmpfr

Hmmm, how do you manage to build those packages without any
debian/changelog file?  It is missing in both cases.  I was thinking
about whether you simply forget to `git add debian/changelog` but
the prepare_missing_cran_package script is doing all this for you.

I also realised that you have actually used prepare_missing_cran_package
since the marker "FIXME: year" remained in both d/copyright scripts. ;-)

I also noticed that in d/copyright the debian/* section is lacking your
ID.  That's because you have not yet set DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL in
your environment as it is recommended in Debian packaging manual (and
assumed to be set by prepare_missing_cran_package of dh-r in unstable).
I've just uploaded dh-r 20180917 which injects FIXME strings if these
environment variables are not found.  BTW, it makes much sense to use
these variables since you can be sure to have *identical* IDs in
d/control and d/changelog - in r-cran-rmpfr you have an additional space
inside the Uploaders field and once you have created a d/changelog file
and the changelog owner ID is lacking this space lintian will warn you
about a Non-Maintainer Upload.

When I checked the FIXME-injection I recreated r-cran-rmpfr via

    prepare_missing_cran_package Rmpfr

and it creates the additional dependency r-cran-gmp.  This needs to be
packaged as well.  In short:  Please do not just create the repository
but also build the package and its dependencies and test the installed
packages.  Please let me know if you have any questions about this or
ping me again after filing the according ITPs and the ITP-bugs are
closed in d/changelog.

Thanks for your work so far



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