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Bug#1070406: Qt5: badly clips some fonts when rendering to PDFs

On Tue, May 07, 2024 at 05:58:55PM +0000, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> Dmitry Shachnev dixit:
> >Will you be able to forward your patch upstream when you finalize it?
> Sort of. I can do the CLA, Gerrit, etc. dance, but I probably cannot
> respond well if they want me to test things with vanilla upstream
> (instead of the packaging), or if they have requests I as a C (but
> not C++) developer don’t understand.

I also usually test with our packaging, not with vanilla upstream.

But with Qt 6.6 from experimental there should not be much difference:
we don't have any patches for this part of code, and we are lagging only
a few versions behind upstream.

And your test example compiles without changes with Qt 6, you just need
to call qmake6 instead of qmake.

> >> +static inline int roundForBbox(qreal v)
> >> +{
> >> +    return (v < 0) ? floor(v) : ceil(v);
> >> +}
> >
> >I see you are passing negated values to this function, e.g. roundForBbox(-x).
> Not only them. And roundForBbox is basically just the canonical
> “round away from zero / towards ±infinity for integer results”.
> The negation in the callers is to convert *some* Qt coordinates
> to PS/PDF coordinates, but only for the Y axis, as the X axis is
> the same for them.

Okay, makes sense.

> >I see why you moved properties to the top, but is moving postscriptName
> >needed? Maybe leave it where it was to minimize the diff?
> It’s not. I moved the whole block to make it easier to read,
> but good point.

Thank you.

> >You are passing scalep pointer here only to multiply it by this value?
> Yes.
> >It looks like fontEngine is a public member of QFontSubset, so you can
> >do it in the calling code.
> Yes, except it’s the callee that determines the scaling factor,
> not the caller. By passing it back like this, nothing would have
> to change in the caller should the callee ever decide to not scale.

Valid point. Let's see if Qt developers like this approach with passing a
pointer. If they don't, maybe the same thing can be achieved differently,
e.g. by returning QPair<QByteArray, qreal>.

Dmitry Shachnev

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