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Bug#1063368: kate: Shift-key not working


On 07/02/2024 00:50, Patrick Franz wrote:

Am Dienstag, 6. Februar 2024, 22:10:47 CET schrieb Dominik:
Package: kate
Version: 4:22.12.3-1
Severity: important

Dear Maintainer,

The shift key has no effect when writing (e.g. Shift+a results in 'a'
instead of 'A').

Some general observations about the probelm itself:
- Caps lock works.
- Shift hotkeys work (e.g. Shift+Left in order to mark the character
left of the cursor). - Alt Gr has the same problem (I changed my
keybooard layout to german and Alt Gr+q prints 'q' instead of '@'). -
Some other applications have the same issue (e.g. kwrite, vlc,
texstudio, wireshark). I think all my Qt-applications do, but Qt
might also be unrelated. Other applications such as xfce4-terminal or
firefox work flawlessly.

With "distrobox" I created a container for debian stable (like mine)
and debian testing, and the problem occurs only in the "stable"
conteiner. Therefore, I don't think it's some configuration error of
mine. Also, this suggests that the bug has been fixed in more recent
package versions. However, those are not available yet for stable via
apt upgrade.

image: quay.io/toolbx-images/archlinux-toolbox:latest
Qt-Version (kate): 5.15.8
kate-Version: 22.12.3

image: docker.io/library/debian:testing
Qt-Version (kate): 5.15.10
kate-Version: 23.08.1
I'm slightly confused about which system you are actually running and
how you do that (natively or in a container). Because your "Debian
stable" seems to be some Arch container.

I have a native desktop system which I upgraded from Debian 11 to 12 bookworm a couple of days ago. Something during the upgrade-process must've broken it.
I use distrobox only for testing/comparison purposes. The quay.io link was a Debian container from the Archlinux repo, but even with the container docker (docker.io/library/debian:stable-backports) this issue persists. 

Also, I cannot reproduce the issue on Debian Stable and I don't remember
this ever being an issue.

Since using a newer package fixes the problem it has to be a bug - which only appears in combination with my system configuration. Unfortunately, I don't know which parts of my configuration might trigger this bug or how to make the bug reproducible on other systems. 

I've tried everything I know in trying to narrow the problem down, so if you have any suggestions/questions I'd be happy to try/answer them.


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