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Bug#1035985: Built without GLESv2 support causing errors on machines only supporting GLES

Hello again Lisandro,

On 06.06.23 11:40 AM, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote:
And at that point is where I'll personally say "no". I do not have enough free time to handle this, and that is in fact the reason I am maintaining Qt 6 mostly as team member (I am not listed in Uploaders on purpose).
That's completely understandable.
This is specially true if your company uses Debian as a base for the containers shipped in your products (Leonardo: hint, hint).
I'll work a bit on this this week on our private Debian feed and then start helping your team out, hopefully. Should I keep in touch with your or Patrick Franz (listed as the uploader)? Do you guys have an IRC I can jump in to?

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