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Bug#1028197: plasmashell: Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV

Am 24.01.23 um 00:30 schrieb piorunz:
On 23/01/2023 22:46, Bernhard Übelacker wrote:

On Mon, 23 Jan 2023 21:48:23 +0000 piorunz <piorunz@gmx.com> wrote:
On 23/01/2023 13:35, Bernhard Übelacker wrote:
  journalctl --user --since="2023-01-08 12:10" --until="2023-01-08 12:12"
-- No entries --

Then please try something like this:

   journalctl --user --since="2023-01-08 11:08" --until="2023-01-08 11:12"

That worked! Attached.

Jan 08 11:11:06 ryzen systemd-coredump[1987371]: Process 1341349 (kded5) of user 1000 dumped core.
                                                 #3  0x00007faafb991f90 n/a (libc.so.6 + 0x3bf90)
                                                 #4  0x00007faa7b2e8ba4 _ZNK10PackageKit11Transaction4roleEv (libpackagekitqt5.so.1 + 0x1aba4)
                                                 #5  0x00007faa7b3a4aae n/a (kded_apperd.so + 0xeaae)
                                                 #6  0x00007faa7b3a4b99 n/a (kded_apperd.so + 0xeb99)
                                                 #7  0x00007faafb6e8fcf n/a (libQt5Core.so.5 + 0x2e8fcf)
                                                 #8  0x00007faa7b2dc095 _ZN10PackageKit6Daemon22transactionListChangedERK11QStringList (libpackagekitqt5.so.1 + 0xe095)
Jan 08 11:11:07 ryzen kscreen_backend_launcher[5795]: kscreen.xrandr: XRandR::setConfig
Jan 08 11:11:07 ryzen kscreen_backend_launcher[5795]: kscreen.xrandr: Requested screen size is QSize(7680, 2160)
Jan 08 11:11:07 ryzen kscreen_backend_launcher[5795]: kscreen.xrandr: Needed CRTCs:  2
Jan 08 11:11:07 ryzen kscreen_backend_launcher[5795]: kscreen.xrandr: Actions to perform:
Jan 08 11:11:07 ryzen kscreen_backend_launcher[5795]:          Primary Output: false
Jan 08 11:11:07 ryzen kscreen_backend_launcher[5795]: kscreen.xrandr:         Change Screen Size: false
Jan 08 11:11:07 ryzen kscreen_backend_launcher[5795]: kscreen.xrandr:         Disable outputs: false
Jan 08 11:11:07 ryzen kscreen_backend_launcher[5795]: kscreen.xrandr:         Change outputs: false
Jan 08 11:11:07 ryzen kscreen_backend_launcher[5795]: kscreen.xrandr:         Enable outputs: false
Jan 08 11:11:07 ryzen kscreen_backend_launcher[5795]: kscreen.xrandr: XRandR::setConfig done!
Jan 08 11:11:07 ryzen plasmashell[5575]: QFont::setPointSizeF: Point size <= 0 (0.000000), must be greater than 0
Jan 08 11:11:07 ryzen plasmashell[5575]: 25 -- exe=/usr/bin/plasmashell
Jan 08 11:11:07 ryzen plasmashell[5575]: KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2

Here was also just before such a kded5 crash right before.
Either this or the startup of the new kded5 might trigger this,
as it looks like setting up some screen parameters (xrandr).
And while doing this plasmashell wrote
this "QFont::setPointSizeF" message.

Those two upstream bugs appear, but both got closed,
because upstream could not reproduce them:

I don't know which package management you use,
but until there is a fix for Debian #1026062,
you could experiment with another package manager
like synaptic and uninstall apper for now, as a workaround.

Kind regards,

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