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Bug#942078: [high quality bug] baloo crash, can't recover; forced reindex does not fix; unusable via dolphin C-f

Control: tag -1 +unreproducible

Hi Nicholas,

to be clear, tagging this bug as "unreproducible" means that **we** the
developer cannot reproduce it. So please don't change it. Thanks.

Also, moreinfo is still needed, and you didn't provide it.

> > Can you reproduce this with current frameworks 5.77 in unstable?

Since you haven't answered this questions, that BTW is alread at 5.78,
we cannot really do anything.

You don't expect us to try to triage bugs that we cannot reproduce on a
system that is not running the current version?

> Has anyone on the team tried testing baloo with a large $HOME?  Mine is
> 131GB, in 142460 mixed files and directories.  At the moment my
> baloo_file process is consuming over a terabyte (!) of memory.  After
> resetting baloo and forcing a full reindex it takes a couple of weeks
> before it gets out of control again and crashes.

Well, maybe you should disable the service since it obviously is not
able to cope with the amount of data/files/size you are asking it to

> Please don't sweep baloo bugs under the rug by tagging bugs containing
> crashes with obvious misbehaviour as severity "normal", eg:

Again, since it is not reproducible and nobody else has either reported
this problem and none of us see this problem, it is normal, would you
please kindly trust the decision of the maintainers?
And thanks, you don't have to educate me about severities.



PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Fujitsu Research Labs  +  IFMGA Guide + TU Wien + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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