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Bug#876901: karchive FTBFS: test failures

mattia@warren /tmp/tmp % cat test.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    printf("%s\n", __FILE__);

mattia@warren /tmp/tmp % gcc test.c ; ./a.out
mattia@warren /tmp/tmp % gcc ./test.c ; ./a.out
mattia@warren /tmp/tmp % gcc /tmp/tmp/./test.c ; ./a.out

So Qt *depends* on gcc+the toolchain using __FILE__ with the full
path. I consider this valid usage because it is somehow always
enforced within Qt, so packages using this macro and dpkg >=
should consider adding something like:

# Disable fixfilepath feature, as it triggers build failures when
# enabled.
export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all reproducible=-fixfilepath

At very least until we can find a fix for this, if possible.

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