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Bug#990029: konsole: Application and global menu

Il Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 04:27:20PM +0200, To Norbert Preining scrisse:
> Il Sat, Jun 19, 2021 at 08:51:28AM +0900, Norbert Preining scrisse:
> In the first (Screenshot_konsole_restored_20210619_160318.png) I've focused
> the konsole comes from the session restore: as you see missing the icon
> (the burger on the left) in the title bar and the menu in the panel.
> In the second (Screenshot_konsole_new_20210619_160356.png) I've focused a
> new konsole (open now): here I've both icon and menu.


Today, after sturtup, the "new" konsole has preserved both menus, instead the "restored" has again the error.

Maybe is it some configuration kept from time ago? I don't remenber how many restore has that konsole.

Tell me if you need some information or close the bug.

Stefano Callegari
GnuPG Public Key Server: pgp.mit.edu

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