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Bug#598280: Newsletter Debtcatcher.com - What's new for sale?

Title: Newsletter Debtcatcher.com - What's new for sale?

One's trash is someone else's treasure

Online version

Check out the latest ads enlisted on debtcatcher.com!







Log in, contact Sellers and close deals 

No commission on deals!

And remember, as a community, debtcatcher.com is looking for quality more than quantity. We ban every user who does not respect basic rules such as:

  • Answering messages from buyers when you are a seller
  • Posting incomplete ads
  • Posting an ad and just forget to answer buyers questions
  • Closing a deal and not updating ad as "sold".

We do our best to have our buyers and sellers enjoy the debtcatcher experience and help them closing good deals.



debtcatcher.com's owner

Email sent to:  598280@bugs.debian.org, Click here to unsubscibe

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