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Bug#978008: libkwaylandserver5: undefined symbol: _ZN14KWaylandServer17XdgShellInterface14surfaceCreatedEPNS_24XdgShellSurfaceInterfaceE"

reopen 978008
severity 978008 important
retitle 978008 missing breaks against old kwin version
tag 978008 + pending

> Unpacking kwin-x11 (4:5.20.4-3) over (4:5.19.5-3+b1) ...

> So I guess I've got stuck on just a transition. I thought user-manager
> removal was one of these temporarily-transitional-stuff, so I avoided that.
> I should have removed it and there would be no issue.

Still, this should not happen, it is a missing breaks.

I reopen the bug, adjust severity, and mark as pending.

> Sorry for the noise.

Not noise at all, thanks for the report!



PREINING Norbert                              https://www.preining.info
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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