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Bug#927954: konqueror: Exit when opening http https' ftps' links

Hello Osama Nasr,

> Thanks a lot for your help, but actually i don't need that app, I just
> was reporting this bug.

I am also not involved in packaging konqueror, just tried to collect
some more information, for the maintainers to work with.

> Do you need me to install proprietary drivers and test it ?

I think this would gain not much for this bug, it would just be
a workaround, but as far as other applications are working for you
this might not be neccessary.

What might be interesting would be a backtrace with debug symbols
installed like described in [1].

Following steps should produce such a file that might be useful
for the maintainer and could be forwarded to this bug:

- Install packages: gdb konqueror-dbgsym libgl1-mesa-dri-dbgsym

- Start konqueror as usual

- Attach gdb to it with this command line:
    script -a gdb_konqueror_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S).log -c "gdb -q -batch -ex 'set width 0' -ex 'set pagination off' -ex 'cont' -ex 'display/i $pc' -ex 'bt' -ex 'info share' -ex 'info reg' -ex 'bt full' --pid $(pidof konqueror)"

- Then open the ususal webpage to trigger the crash.

Kind regards,

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/HowToGetABacktrace#Installing_the_debugging_symbols

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