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Bug#920139: sddm: GTK and GNOME: Applications won't launch due error of glib2

Control: tags 920139 + unreproducible moreinfo

Hello Adrian Immanuel,
I am sorry for the late reply.

First a question: Do you still observe this fault?

I took a look today inside the md5sums you supplied
and tried to reproduce this setup inside a VM.

Unfortunately I found following old packages that are not
packaged in Debian anymore or maybe not installed in the
latest version:

  nautilus-pastebin: last built 2012, found just at snapshot.debian.org
  geoclue: last in jessie
  easytag: not in the lastest version?
  command-runner-applet: last in jessie
  gnome-search-tool: last in stretch
  sflphone-gnome: last in stretch

Can you please have a look at these packages, if you
really use them?
If not you might uninstall them and test if you still
can observe the not launching applications?

If you use synaptic, there should be a folder with outdated packages.

However, I tried to put your gsettings.compiled into that VM
and could login into GNOME and GNOME Classic sessions without
hitting that fault (traps: gnome-session-b...).

Kind regards,

# Stretch amd64 qemu VM 2019-03-16

apt update
apt dist-upgrade


# approx and sources.list to Buster snapshot from 20190210

debian-10-buster-snapshot.debian.org              https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20190210T000000Z/
debian-10-buster-debug-snapshot.debian.org  https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian-debug/20190210T000000Z/

deb     [check-valid-until=no] buster main


apt update
apt dist-upgrade

apt install dpkg-dev devscripts systemd-coredump mc htop gdb strace xserver-xorg sddm
apt install gnome gnucash anjuta-extras tali telepathy-logger gthumb gnome-builder gnome-panel gjots2 gobby cinnamon-desktop-data ukui-settings-daemon seahorse-nautilus nemo gnome-photos dconf-editor easytag meld sound-juicer gnome-system-log virt-manager light-locker telepathy-mission-control-5 oregano gbonds-data gnomint liferea teg zapping accerciser blueman pulseaudio-module-gsettings almanah caribou-antler bijiben gnome-boxes gucharmap deja-dup gnome-dictionary empathy eog-plugins epiphany-browser font-manager geary gedit-latex-plugin gedit-source-code-browser-plugin ghex gimagereader gitg glabels gnome-nettool gnome-subtitles gnote gnumeric goobox gpaste gtranslator gwaei latexila gnome-multi-writer gnome-packagekit planner polari gnome-shell-mailnag gnome-shell-extension-weather gnome-shell-timer gnome-system-tools telegnome gtk-3-examples gtkhash libgtk-3-dev atril caja nemiver soundconverter gnomekiss ukwm mousepad


md5sum /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/* | sort -k 2


wget "https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?att=2;bug=920139;filename=usr-share-glib-2.0-schemas-md5sums.txt;msg=41"; -O usr-share-glib-2.0-schemas-md5sums.txt
cat usr-share-glib-2.0-schemas-md5sums.txt | sort -k 2


nautilus-pastebin: last built 2012, found just at snapshot.debian.org
geoclue:  last in jessie
easytag not in the lastest version?
command-runner-applet:  last in jessie
gnome-search-tool: last in stretch
sflphone-gnome: last in stretch


wget "https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?att=1;bug=920139;filename=gschemas.compiled;msg=41"; -O /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled

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