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Re: knotifications_5.45.0-2_source.changes ACCEPTED into unstable

¡Hola Pino!

El 2018-05-13 a las 09:12 +0200, Pino Toscano escribió:
In data domenica 13 maggio 2018 09:01:18 CEST, Maximiliano Curia ha scritto:
¡Hola Debian!

El 2018-05-13 a las 06:05 +0000, Debian FTP Masters escribió:
  * Run the test suite during the build:
    - add the dbus-x11, xauth, and xvfb build dependencies
    - run xvfb-run, using a fake home directory for it, running the test suite
      inside a dbus session

Interesting, that used to fail in the past.

  * Remove the unused, and now no more useful autopkgtest stuff.

You also dropped the acc tests with this change, the acc test builds the
installed headers and that helps checking that the -dev package is not missing
a dependency and that the installed headers are not include a header that's
not being installed.

How does running a tool ('acc') that is supposed to check for ABI
compatibility do that? From what I see, it is supposed to be used with
existing data as baseline, and none of the sources ship that.

The abi generated files are too large to ship them in our packages, way more unstable than symbols, and not catching things like changes in the struct size. But while doing these tests building the headers help finding quite a number of missing headers/missing dependencies, etc.

Also, if we want to check that a -dev does not miss dependencies, then
there are better ways to do that, rather than relying on the indirect
results of a tool that does something else.

I have a small utility locally in my disk that does exactly this, i.e.
run cmake on an auto-generated temporary CMakeLists.txt with
find_package(...) calls for modules specified on command line -- i.e.
 $ pkgkde-test-cmake --output-on-failure KF5Foo Grantlee5
(the name can be changed, of course)
This makes it easy to integrate it as autopkgtest, as it does not even
need an helper script -- i.e. just add in debian/tests/control:
 Test-Command: pkgkde-test-cmake --output-on-failure KF5Foo
 Depends: build-essential, cmake, libkf5foo-dev

In the same fashion, something similar for qmake .pro files can be
created too.

Also, for pkg-config files a better test IMHO is:
 Test-Command: pkg-config --cflags --libs Qt5WebKit
 Depends: pkg-config, libqt5webkit5-dev

Would the above suggestions be better options for you?

Sounds interesting and I'm sure this could be of use, but from what I can infer these scripts don't actually build the installed headers, so this would be an additional test, not a replacement.

Happy hacking,
"If a million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
-- France's Rule of Folly
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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