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Bug#908079: Buster: No window title bars in KDE?

Sep 6, 2018, 12:44 PM by bernhardu@mailbox.org:

> so you are running wayland or xorg?

I'm running xorg.

> Depending on that I would exptect you should at least have
> either kwin-wayland or kwin-x11 installed.
> Or you have configured another window manager somehow?
> But then we also need some more information.

Not that I'm aware of. I installed Buster (and KDE) about a week ago and when I opened KDE it was pretty screwed up: no task bar, missing apps, etc. I then installed LXDE and LXQT for testing purposes and because I needed a working DE, currently I use LXDE  (and planning to move back to KDE when possible as I miss some things).  Could my LXDE installation somehow interfere with KDE? Regards,

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