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Bug#894476: #894476: Solved from the Qt side. (rcc: please honour SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)

> That's sadly something we can only "fix" by making packages have the right
> value set. As per Qt policy the environment variable needs to be prefixed
> with QT, so no chance of directly using SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.

I added a downstream patch to a test-version [1] in openSUSE with

+        static const quint64 sourceDate2 = 1000 *
+        if (sourceDate2 != 0)
+            lastmod = sourceDate2;

but somehow this did not help (e.g. with bitcoin's
bitcoin-0.16.1/src/qt/qrc_bitcoin_locale.cpp going into the bitcoin-qt
So maybe the patch is not the correct solution... or there are more
similar issues somewhere else in rcc.


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