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Bug#852780: [sage-packaging] Cantor sage backend

Ximin Luo:
> Antonio Rojas:
>> El lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017 23:59:00 (CEST) Ximin Luo escribió:
>>> Thanks for the info. I had a play around, unfortunately --simple-prompt won't be sufficient.
>>> REPLs generally support multiline input (e.g. Python itself) so unless the GSoC student specifically wants Cantor+Sage to work, we'll have to try to figure out how to push ipython to fix their simple-prompt...
>> Thanks, I've added this info to the upstream report https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=375467
> I think I've managed to fix it in IPython with this patch (2 commits):
> https://github.com/ipython/ipython/pull/10606
> Can you confirm? You also need to patch sage/repl/configuration.py as I mentioned earlier, as well as patch cantor_sagebackend.so if its version is < 16.12.

Unfortunately this broke some Sage doctests.

To get Cantor to detect Sage properly, I modified IPython's simple-prompt to not use "In [x]" as the prompt, but to use whatever was configured by the application (i.e. Sage).

However, Sage's own doctests assume that IPython would output "In [x]" in simple-prompt mode. I'm having trouble finding the place in the code where it does this however, any tips? I confirm that if I patch IPython to hard-code "In [x]" as the prompt again (whilst also *not* reverting the multi-line fix) then the sage doctests work again.


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