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Bug#858729: plasma-discover: too many bugs for the next stable

[ I am NOT the plasma-discover maintainer ]

On Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 12:53:20PM -0400, Leand wrote:
>    There are basic functions that are bugged. For example, the search
>    function returns wrong and unrelated results too many times. If I
>    search for "office" or "writer" it doesn't show LibreOffice packages
>    or LibreOffice Writer at all. Furthermore in some cases it doesn't

Looks it looks at Name and/or GenericName in the .desktop files. Here:

# cat /usr/share/applications/libreoffice-writer.desktop | grep -E '(.*Name=|.*Name\[en.*\]=)'
Name=LibreOffice Writer
GenericName=Word Processor
GenericName[en]=Word Processor
GenericName[en_GB]=Word Processor
GenericName[en_ZA]=Word Processor

So if it takes GenericName before Name it of course doesn't see "LibreOffice Writer" but
"Word Processor". And also note "office" and "writer" don't even appear in Name (not the
case), no idea whether the search is case-sensitive, though.

>    even display the exact name of the packages in any way, for example
>    the package "file-roller" (Gnome's File Roller) is displayed as
>    "Archive manager".

# cat /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.FileRoller.desktop | grep -E '(.*Name=|.*Name\[en.*\]=)'
Name=Archive Manager
Name[en@shaw]=𐑸𐑒𐑲𐑝 𐑥𐑨𐑯𐑩𐑡𐑼
Name[en_CA]=Archive Manager
Name[en_GB]=Archive Manager

So at least the second one is expected.



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