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Bug#795296: "You are not allowed to save the configuration" (both root and ordinary user)

¡Hola Willi!

El 2017-03-22 a las 19:52 +0100, Willi Mann escribió:
Am 2017-03-21 um 10:58 schrieb Maximiliano Curia:
El 2017-03-20 a las 19:22 +0100, Willi Mann escribió:
the problem still exists. Let me know if you any idea how to track this down.

Sorry, I can't reproduce the issue here, the message seems to be related to a rule rejecting the request for your users, (even root?). Do you have a specific policykit setup?

I don't have a specific setup. The system runs testing for some years, though. So it could be an upgrade bug. The problem also occurs with root and a clean account I just created for testing.

There is something here, as root policykit doesn't need to talk with the agent, so that rules out polkit-kde-agent-1. The issue should be on the policykit side.

Just to be sure, how was the root plasma session started?
The changes made as root weren't applied to the /etc/sddm.conf file? (assuming that you tested this with the sddm kcm)

Do you have the polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1 service running?

I have such a process running, under the desktop's user uid.

What's the result of running: pkexec bash in a terminal with your user?

This hangs, i.e. it does not return but also does not produce any output. However, it works fine when I run "pkexec bash" as root. System dbus log during the execution of this command attached.

pkexec bash as root doesn't need to talk with the agent, so it should always work.

method call time=1490208186.877616 sender=:1.73 -> destination=:1.7 serial=9 path=/org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/Authority; interface=org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Authority; member=CheckAuthorization string "org.freedesktop.policykit.exec" array [ dict entry( string "program" string "/bin/bash" ) method call time=1490208186.878006 sender=:1.7 -> destination=org.freedesktop.DBus serial=139 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=GetConnectionUnixUser string ":1.73" method return time=1490208186.878028 sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> destination=:1.7 serial=78 reply_serial=139 uint32 0 method call time=1490208186.878052 sender=:1.7 -> destination=org.freedesktop.DBus serial=140 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=GetConnectionUnixProcessID string ":1.73" method return time=1490208186.878076 sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> destination=:1.7 serial=79 reply_serial=140 uint32 2828 method call time=1490208186.878100 sender=:1.7 -> destination=:1.42 serial=141 path=/org/kde/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent; interface=org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.AuthenticationAgent; member=BeginAuthentication string "org.freedesktop.policykit.exec" string "Authentication is needed to run `/bin/bash' as the super user" string "" array [ dict entry( string "polkit.caller-pid" string "2828" ) signal time=1490208211.280956 sender=:1.28 -> destination=(null destination) serial=41 path=/org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session4; interface=org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session; member=IdleHintChanged boolean true

After these the agent request an EnumerateActions and ends up showing the window, in my test system. This may indicate that the agent is in a non-responsive state, which somewhat contradicts what's indicated a couple of paragraphs before. Was this the complete output?

It might be useful to attach an strace to the agent with:
sudo strace -vf -p $(pidof polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1) | tee /tmp/polkit-agent.log

or something like that. The generated file would be quite large, with a lot of noise, so it might be better not to send it to a pastebin like https://paste.debian.net.

Happy hacking,
"If you have too many special cases, you are doing it wrong." -- Craig Zarouni
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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