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Bug#883375: qtbase-opensource-src: Please add private headers in /src/plugins/platforms/xcb/

Control: tag -1 wontfix

El 3 dic. 2017 6:21 a.m., "Pino Toscano" <pino@debian.org> escribió:
> My question is, is it possible for us to include (copy) those header files and
> distribute them inside package "qtbase5-private-dev" so that package
> "qt5dxcb-plugin" could build-dep on qtbase5-private-dev instead of bundling
> them inside repository (like what Fedora did)? 
[Snip Pino's reply]

No, it's not possible. As Pino said it's already a big headache to have to ship official private headers. Adding even more would require us even more work to properly track them. So the answer is no.

It ought to really work with what Qt ships, not trying to outsmart Qt
this way.  Why does qt5dxcb-plugin need these headers?  If it really
needs them (IMHO it should just use what Qt provides, even as private
headers), did you ask upstream Qt to provide them or the equivalent API
for what qt5dxcb-plugin wants to do?

Right, if you really need then then work with upstream to make it public API, or at least official private one. 

Please note that we will not add private headers to other qt submodules except we the Debian Qt/KDE team really need them.

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