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Bug#852780: [sage-packaging] Cantor sage backend

(+CC the debian bug)

Antonio Rojas:
> El lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017 18:56:00 (CEST) Ximin Luo escribió:
>> Has anyone had any success in making this work? In Debian we're suffering from https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=852780 at the moment.
>> I'm not sure how Cantor is interfacing with Sage; and in Debian we do patch away a lot of CLI options relating to Sage-the-distro, similar to what Gentoo does.
> Hi,
>  I fixed the version detection in 16.12:
>  https://cgit.kde.org/cantor.git/commit/?id=8d3d07a683ca6758eada1cd8442047401c0fa83d
>  However, interfacing with Sage is completely broken since the ipython 5.0 upgrade. Cantor uses KPtyProcess to read Sage's output, and the new ipython highlighting confuses it (it can't interpret the ANSI codes). I guess the easiest fix would be to add a flag to the sage command that would force ipython to run in --simple-prompt mode, and make Cantor run sage with that flag.
>  Also note that there is an ongoing Google SOC project about rewriting Cantor's interface with its backends, so this may be fixed in the process.

Thanks for the info. I had a play around, unfortunately --simple-prompt won't be sufficient.

1. I edited /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sage/repl/configuration.py to force _allow_ansi to always return False, which forces simple_prompt=True and term_title=False.

2. Then I binary-edited the regexp string in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/cantor/backends/cantor_sagebackend.so to instead say '.[a-zA-Z\W].+\s+(\d+)\.(\d+)' - i.e. a hack that effectively removes the first parentheses so the broken code works "correctly" for 7.6.

Now cantor detects sage's version correctly, but then fails because of https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/9816

found version:  ("[.. banner ANSI codes and box drawing characters ..] SageMath version 7.6", "7", "6")
using the current set of commands
out:  "[..]  SageMath version 7.6, Release Date: 2017-03-25  [..]\r\nIn [1]: In [2]: In [3]: In [4]: In [5]: In [6]: In [7]: In [8]: In [9]: ____TMP_DIR____ /home/infinity0/.sage/temp/pdeb1/30547\r\nIn [10]: In [11]: In [12]:   File \"<ipython-input-12-9233071d249d>\", line 1\r\n    def __cantor_enable_typesetting(enable):\r\n                                            ^\r\nSyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing\r\n\r\nIn [13]:   File \"<ipython-input-13-abf59f29300d>\", line 1\r\n    if(enable==true):\r\n                     ^\r\nSyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing\r\n\r\nIn [14]: In [15]:   File \"<ipython-input-15-9a63718398be>\", line 1\r\n    else:\r\n       ^\r\nSyntaxError: invalid syntax\r\n\r\nIn [16]: In [17]: In [17]: ____END_OF_INIT____\r\nIn [18]: "

You get the same error when doing this manually with sage (with _allow_ansi hacked to be False as above):

$ sage
[.. banner ..]
In [1]: def __cantor_enable_typesetting(enable):
  File "<ipython-input-1-9233071d249d>", line 1
    def __cantor_enable_typesetting(enable):
SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

REPLs generally support multiline input (e.g. Python itself) so unless the GSoC student specifically wants Cantor+Sage to work, we'll have to try to figure out how to push ipython to fix their simple-prompt...


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