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Bug#827025: kde-l10n-de dependency problem with plasma-desktop 5.6.4-2

On Monday 13 June 2016 11:01:56 Hans wrote:
Answerinhg myself
>I discovered, that the removal of kde-l10n-de by the package manager also 
> effected packages, which got their own *-l10n-de. 

> For example libreoffice and firefox-esr now are also in English. I guess, that 
> the removal of kde-l10n-de switched something internally of in kde, so that 
> the other applications are now in English, too.

I found out, that due to the removal of kde-l10n-de the following packages 
were altered:


All files lost either the entry of en_US and changed the German locale from 
the correct de_DE@euro to nds_de_DE. 

If you manually correct these to your own language, most non-kde applications 
are again in your preferred language (of course the necessary *-l10n-de 
packages have to be installed).

Hope this helps a little bit.

Happy hacking.



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