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Re: qt 5.6?

On Saturday 26 March 2016 10:23:21 Ric Moore wrote:
> I hope it is released soon. Thanks! Ric

I've mistakenly replied Ric in private so I'm now sending it back to the list. 
I've also added the best list for this, debian-kde@l.d.o.

Qt 5.6.0 will only hit experimental (we are slowly pushing it, although for 
now more work has comed from Dmitry than I).

We will push Qt 5.6.1 to unstable (we will stack it first in experimental, but 
then push it to unstable).

So far no one has stepped up for maintaining QtWebEngine, so do not expect it 

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

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backspace mientras tengo apretados ctrl y alt
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Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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