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Bug#844655: plasma-desktop-5: problem with autostart

Control: reassign -1 plasma-workspace 4:5.8.2-1
Control: done -1 plasma-workspace 4:5.8.4-1

¡Hola chatrapati!

El 2016-11-18 a las 11:38 +0300, chatrapati escribió:
I think, my message is difficult to understand. Excuse me for my English.

I put file "firefox-esr.desktop" in ~/.config/autostart/ and when I reboot system firefox-esr trying to go in URI-adress http://www.%u.com/ . So I have an error "server is not found".There is a string "Exec=firefox-esr %u" in firefox-esr.desktop

I do similarly with "inkscape.desktop". I have similar problem: inkscape starting trying to open file with name "%F", but there is no file with this name! There is a string "Exec=inkscape %F" in file inkscape.desktop".

So I should to delete these "%u" and "%F" in files *.desktop if I use them (*.desktop) in .config/autostart/

This issue was addressed upstream (thanks to Harald Sitter), and it should be fixed in the current sid version.

Happy hacking,
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
-- Clarke's Third Law
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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