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Bug#797999: We are now more than one year later and this critical bug is not fixed

On 10/10/2016 11:48 AM, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
¡Hola eric2.valette!

First of all, the bug is not critical because it only affects a very specific setup for a particular video driver.
A docked station using a nvidia driver is not that uncommon I guess...

I suspect that the bug is not present in sddm but in the nvidia driver, triggered by sddm by trying to use composite on the video output as is left by the X driver initialization.
The bug is not only in the video driver as kdm works...

El 2016-10-10 a las 11:01 +0200, eric2.valette@orange.com escribió:
Just updated to kde 5.8, and lib 5.26.0 and it still does not correctly detect my external screen when lid is closed.

What happens if you use the maui sddm theme?

To test this you'll need to install sddm-theme-maui, and create/modify your /etc/sddm.conf to include:


The breeze theme starts sddm in composite mode, which might not be correctly initialized for your video card by default in your particular setup.
Will try and report.

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It is automaically inserted fater I send the mail I cannot do anyting agains it. Will try another mail account.

-- eric


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