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Bug#830563: kmail: should *depend on* libkf5akonadisearch-plugins

Hey all,

I guess I misunderstood the "recommended" always thought it needs extra
action to install recommended packages.

So: Sounds good - sorry for mess! ;)

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer:
> On sábado, 27 de agosto de 2016 1:52:43 A. M. ART Maximiliano Curia wrote:
> [snip]
>>>> At the same time it's a feature that consumes a great amount of
>>>> resources, particularly if you have GBs of Mails.
>>> Well this is what KDE is a about - semantic desktop funcionality. And
>>> the resources are needed once to make an index. After that it is much
>>> less, no? But however - in Akonadiconsole you can easily delete the
>>> akonadi_indexing_agent. If this is not working properly wouldn't the
>>> right way be to write a bug report for Akonadi-Console?
>> We have different ideas on what KDE is about, the semantic functionalities
>> have a love it or hate it experience for our users, so I'm more inclined
>> toward options that makes them optional.
> I'm also in the hate side of this I'm afraid. Having to delete 
> akonadi_indexing_agent id too much of a hack for disabling this. Having the 
> necessary packages as recommendations is a much better approach.
>> About akonadiconsole, I'm not sure if it's even considered a bug, that after
>> removing the indexer, it's added back. Anyway it's been a while since I
>> last tried this, the indexer is currently running in this machine.
>>> So please, please, please:
>>> Do not do this. That's unfair to a whole lot of people who are not as
>>> skilled as you in hacking. Just write a bug report for the akonadi
>>> console and remove the package for your own usecase. And add it as
>>> dependency.
>> Now I feel being nagged. :) We have known about the issue not long ago, we
>> added some recommends (that haven't being uploaded yet) that should improve
>> the main user experience while allowing the users that hate wasting
>> resources in a feature they don't use to avoid it.
> That's indeed a much better solution :)

"Lasst uns unter falscher Flagge segeln, den Jolly Roger im Herzen - und
all den Uneinsichtigen ihr geliebtes Chaos, den übrigen aber die
Möglichkeit von Anarchie und Leidenschaft schenken. Lasst uns Diabole
sein, die in ihrer subtilen Zerstörungskraft die Leere des Vogel Roch
rufen - unter dessen dunklen Schwingen wir unerkannt Schönes pflanzen.
Und tanzen!"

Seine göttliche Gnade Rafael der Maria,
diskordianischer Papst im Ritus des Roch,
nicht-monastischer hochgeheimer Metropolit
des Diabolischen Sterns, Reverendus Sub-Dominus

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