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Bug#835039: kde-runtime: ogg notification sounds produce only silence

tag 835039 + moreinfo


In data domenica 21 agosto 2016 11:32:28 CEST, phaoost@gmail.com ha scritto:
> I get only silence when trying to play ogg notification files in
> preview. They won't play on events either.

In preview where, exactly? What were you doing? Which applications with?

Also, please provide the output of the following:
$ dpkg -l '*ogg*' | grep ^ii
$ dpkg -l '*phonon*' | grep ^ii
$ dpkg -l '*vlc*' | grep ^ii
$ dpkg -l '*gstreamer*' | grep ^ii

> -- System Information:
> Distributor ID:	Devuan
> Description:	Devuan GNU/Linux unstable (ceres)
> Release:	unstable
> Codename:	ceres
> Architecture: x86_64

Note that, while I can provide hints, devuan is *not* supported,
and bugs in your derivative distribution must be reported to them
(and not to Debian).

Pino Toscano

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