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Bug#824481: konsole: does not keep font setting information

Control: tag -1 - unreproducible
Control: tag -1 + confirmed

¡Hola Norbert!

El 2016-05-18 a las 11:34 +0900, Norbert Preining escribió:
I couldn't reproduce this issue, could you provide the contents of your .profile file? (it should be under ~/.local/share/konsole/)


AntiAliasFonts=true BoldIntense=true ColorScheme=BlackOnLightYellow Font=Lucida Console DK,16,-1,0,50,0,0,0,0,0

Name=Norb Parent=FALLBACK/ TerminalRows=25

I could reproduce the issue using Lucida Console from: http://www.ffonts.net/Lucida-Console.font.download (There is no saying about the font license in that site, though, but it's supposedly a collection of free as in free beer fonts, which should be good enough to test this bug)

Having konsole in full screen when setting the font I get:
~ % echo $COLUMNS $LINES
129 49

And on starting it up I get:
~ % echo $COLUMNS $LINES
119 49

I still suspect that QFonts fromString/toString might be acting up, which would mean a qt5 bug, but this needs further testing.

**** offtopic *** are you fine with me uploading a NMU of exiv2 that fixes the Casio image bug and changes the description to include XMP?

Sorry, what's the bug number for this? If you are willing to go an extra mille it's usually better to send the patch upstream and have an upstream ack about it.
**** /offtopic ***

Happy hacking,
"pi seconds is a nanocentury" -- Tom Duff
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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