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Bug#824531: plasma-nm: error loading QML file applet to undefined symbol in libplasmanm_editor.so

¡Hola Martin!

El 2016-05-17 a las 09:38 +0200, Martin Steigerwald escribió:
Package: plasma-nm Version: 4:5.5.4-1 Severity: normal

as a reminder of something to take care of before transitioning experimental Plasma/KF5/Qt packages to Sid:

plasma-nm qml applet shows

error while loading QML file:

plugin cannot be loaded for module "org.kde.plasma.networkmanagement":

The library


cannot be loaded:

/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libplasmanm_editor.so: undefined symbol:


Ups, I thought the Wimax symbols appeared and disappeard only in the experimental version, I was clearly wrong. Ok, I'm adding a Breaks: plasma-nm (<= 4:5.6~) in libkf5networkmanagerqt6 and bumping the build dependencies in plasma-nm.

Thanks for the report!

Happy hacking,
"There are only two things wrong with C++: The initial concept and the
-- Bertrand Meyer
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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