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Bug#822975: gtk3-engines-breeze: Rename packages

¡Hola George!

El 2016-05-03 a las 16:28 +0100, George B. escribió:
On 30/04/16 11:54, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
What's the current proposed naming for the gtk3 "engines" then?

I am not aware of any existing naming convention - the fact that there are almost no working GTK3 themes in Debian probably doesn't help...
If I was choosing I would go for something boring like 'gtk3-theme-breeze' and have other packages do similar.

I really see no gain in renaming the packages, and without a coordination with the other "engines"/"themes" maintainers it won't be any good. Currently all the gtk "themes" are called "engines", so I think it's better to keep it like that, at least it's consistent.

I'm still not tagging this bug as wontfix as a coordination with the other two gtk3 engines maintainers (xfce, and unico) should be doable, and if someone else wants to do it, I'm not going to stop it.

Happy hacking,
"Backtracking algorithms are nondeterministic, not in the sense of being
random, but in the sense of having free will."
-- Robert W. Floyd
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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