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Bug#807471: [kde-config-telepathy-accounts] Jabber configuration unusable

thanks for you time and happy new year !
On 21/12/2015 20:14, Diane Trout wrote:
Those options should be present.

You should be able to get to the kaccounts configuation panel by doing one of
the following:

right click KTP status bar icon and pick "Instant Messaging Settings"
launch System Settings and select "Online Accounts"
Run ktp-contactlist, pick the window looking button at the far right and
select "Instant Messaging Settings"

Once you have the dialog "Configure your internet accounts such as Google,
Live, Owncloud" open. select a jabber account.

Which should show "Select what services you want to activate",
Click the configure button .

Click Advanced from the new Jabber/XMPP dialog.
This exactly what I have already done.

And that finally should be the settings you're looking for.
I can see the settings but I can't configure anything "Server Settings" "Connection Settings" "Resource" and "Security Settings" are inactives.

Or use mc-tool update from the command line. You can find a list of all the
supported parameters in /usr/share/telepathy/managers/gabble.manager

The thing I found confusing about mc-tool is you have to list the type before
the parameter name.


mc-tool update gabble/jabber/ktp_2djabber_2dim_15 bool:ignore-ssl-errors=Flase
int:port=12345 string:resource="foo"
mc-tool list|dump|summary dos not return anything on my system.

Please let me know if these instructions work for you, and also would you have
any suggestions on where a good place to provide them in the ktp packages
might be?



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