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Re: Upgrade of libdebconf-kde and appear breakage

¡Hola Matthias!

El 2015-07-09 a las 23:10 +0200, Matthias Klumpp escribió:
The new version of libdebconf-kde was migrated to KDE Frameworks 5, while apper is still a kde4 application, so unless the qt5 version is ready to be uploaded we would need to reintroduce libdebconf-kde0 and libdebconf-kde0-dev to make apper buildable again. Would that be OK for apper?

Yes, that would be great as intermediate fix!

I added a preliminar version in the debconf-kde git repository in the branch debconf-kde0 that produces the libdebconf-kde0 and libdebconf-kde0-dev packages, the later conflicts with libdebconf-kde-dev.

Can you review/test if this works for you?

Your email inspired me to attempt a KF5 port of Apper though (how hard could it be?) - turned out that porting it was much more annoying than I expected, but I have the basic work done now.

Wow, that would be great. I know it's not easy.

So maybe in a month we will have a KF5 version of Apper, and this problem is solved completely (as we will not want to keep kcmshell4 around in Debian forever anyway, and there seems to be quite a huge userbase of Apper, especially on non-Debian-based distributions).

Regarding kcmshell4, the current plan is drop qt4 before stretch, so all the kde4 only packages will need to be ported before the end of 2016.

Happy hacking,
"The cheapest, fastest and most reliable components of a computer system are
those that aren't there."
-- Gordon Bell
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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