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okteta headers installation path


As part of the packaging efforts in Debian we are testing the installed headers to check that they compile correctly and have all their dependencies installed.

Testing okteta we found that kasten CamelCase headers are installed in /usr/include/Kasten3 while the lowercase are in /usr/include/kasten3, but then a header Kasten3/A would try to include ../kasten/a.h

I also noticed that this change was made at the same time that the namespace was reverted to Kasten, but the CMakeLists.txt that sets the OKTETAKASTEN_INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR and OKTETAKASTEN_INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR was not updated.

So, is the intention to install them in /usr/include/Kasten (and change the CMake set) or to install them where they are being installed and change the CamelCase includes to ../kasten3/a.h ?

Happy hacking,
"La duración de un minuto depende de que lado del baño estés."
-- Ley de la Relatividad (Burke)
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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