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Bug#689230: virtuoso 7.1 to Debian proper [Was: Bug#689230: new version is needed!]

On 2 October 2014 at 09:24, Tim Haynes <thaynes@openlinksw.com> wrote:
> I'm working with the other VOS admin/developers here to get this branch
> published on github, so that will at least give something concrete to test and
> we can take it from there how it makes its way into Debian.

Currently we are maintaining virtuoso in Debian (as part of the KDE team) just
because nepomuk requires it, but as everything in KDE is moving to baloo and
xapian, we plan to orphan virtuoso after the jessie release.

Please, if you are interested in maintaining it consider I wouldnt mind to
review the packages and speed the orphan/adoption.

OK - development have a handful of tweaks to what I've done so far, so it'll be a couple of days but thereafter, we'll take it on.

Hi all,

OK, it's been a little more than a couple of days even by my standards. But we have things to show! 
The current develop/7 branch on github contains a completely revamped debian/ subdirectory; we've merged some aspects of work done for the LOD2 project and reviewed the existing Debian patches; the result is an upstream source tree that builds a pleasantly granular set of packages (server, minimal server, ODBC drivers, JDBC drivers, etc) natively. 
This will be included in release 7.2 due hopefully very soon.

It seems this would be a fortuitous moment to ask: if I'm wanted to be regarded as the VOS maintainer in Debian, how do I go about officially signing on?


Tim Haynes
Product Development Consultant
OpenLink Software

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