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Re: ongoing libkdegames transition.


On 17/10/15 03:55, peter green wrote:
> There appears to be a transition going on with the libkdegames source
> package which seems to require sourceful changes in the rdeps. A
> substantial number of rdeps have transitioned but a substantial number have
> not and no bug reports seem to have been filed on said rdeps, nor does
> there seem to be a transition tracker.

The new package names (kf5 versions) don't clash with the old ones and the so
files have different lib names, so a transition is not really needed, at least
not in the way that the release team tracks them. It would have been better if
we had upload the new lib with a different source name. Right now, if we need
fix something in the kde4 version we would need to upload a new source package
named libkdegames-kde4 or something.

> The new kdegames package has migrated to testing, presumablly under
> "smooth updates" leaving out of data packages in testing.

Interesting, I haven't noticed this, that leaves lskat in a weird state. I'm
expecting lskat to be migrated to frameworks in 15.12, in the meantime we
should probably remove lskat from testing, otherwise we would need to either
upload the beta frameworks version of lskat or upload the libkdegames-kde4
version mentioned earlier.

Is there any other package affected by this?

> As a deriviative maintainer I'd like to know what the rough plans and 
> timescales are here so I can consider the best way to handle this
> downstream.

Do you have a preferred solution in mind?

Thanks for reporting the issue.
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give what society needs."
-- Edsger W. Dijkstra
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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