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Bug#797979: plasma-desktop: Plasma desktop doesn't start

Package: plasma-desktop
Version: 4:5.3.2-2
Severity: important

Dear Maintainer,

after filling password to the sddm Plasma Desktop didn't start.
Splash screen appears. Progress bar goes to the 1/3 and then blank screen
appears and then sddm again but with brightness set to the half.

There is .xsession-errors content:

-- .xsessiosn-errors:

Xsession: X session started for hynek at Fri Sep  4 01:29:31 CEST 2015
localuser:hynek being added to access control list
openConnection: connect: No such file or directory
cannot connect to brltty at :0
startkde: Starting up...
kdeinit5: preparing to launch 'libkdeinit5_klauncher'
kdeinit5: Launched KLauncher, pid = 3003, result = 0
Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL
Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
kdeinit5: opened connection to :0
kf5.kiconthemes: "Theme tree: (Breeze)"
kdeinit5: preparing to launch 'libkdeinit5_kded5'
kdeinit5: Launched KDED, pid = 3005 result = 0
kdeinit5: preparing to launch 'libkdeinit5_kcminit_startup'
kdeinit5: Launched 'kcminit_startup', pid = 3006 result = 0
Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL
kdeinit5: Got EXT_EXEC '/usr/bin/kbuildsycoca5' from launcher.
kdeinit5: preparing to launch '/usr/bin/kbuildsycoca5'
kbuildsycoca5 running...
kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/hynek/.cache/ksycoca5"
Recreating ksycoca file ("/home/hynek/.cache/ksycoca5", version 300)
Menu "applications-kmenuedit.menu" not found.
Emitting notifyDatabaseChanged ("services", "servicetypes", "xdgdata-mime", "apps")
kdeinit5: PID 3012 terminated.
kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/hynek/.cache/ksycoca5"
kf5.kded: kded module "proxyscout" has already been found using JSON metadata, please don't install the now unneeded .desktop file ("kded/proxyscout.desktop").
kf5.kded: found kded module "powerdevil" by prepending 'kded_' to the library path, please fix your metadata.
kf5.kded: found kded module "kscreen" by prepending 'kded_' to the library path, please fix your metadata.
kf5.kded: found kded module "ksysguard" by prepending 'kded_' to the library path, please fix your metadata.
kf5.kded: found kded module "networkmanagement" by prepending 'kded_' to the library path, please fix your metadata.
kf5.kded: found kded module "statusnotifierwatcher" by prepending 'kded_' to the library path, please fix your metadata.
kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/hynek/.cache/ksycoca5"
kdeinit5: Got EXEC_NEW '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kconf_update' from launcher.
kdeinit5: preparing to launch '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kconf_update'
kdeinit5: PID 3014 terminated.
kf5.kiconthemes: "Theme tree: (Breeze)"
powerdevil: Loading UPower backend...
powerdevil: Success!
powerdevil: Backend loaded, loading core
powerdevil: Core loaded, initializing backend
powerdevil: Using XRandR
powerdevil: Screen brightness value:  15
powerdevil: Screen brightness value max:  15
powerdevil: current screen brightness value:  15
powerdevil: Backend is ready, KDE Power Management system initialized
powerdevil: A new battery was detected
XSync seems available and ready
XSync Inited
Supported, init completed
powerdevil: Session path: "/org/freedesktop/login1/session/_36"
powerdevil: ACTIVE SESSION PATH: "/org/freedesktop/login1/session/_36"
powerdevil: Current session is now active
powerdevil: fd passing available: true
powerdevil: systemd powersave events handling inhibited, descriptor: 18
powerdevil: systemd support initialized
powerdevil: The session is not registered with ck
powerdevil: Got a valid offer for  "DPMSControl"
Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL
kf5.kiconthemes: "Theme tree: (Breeze)"
powerdevil: Core is ready, registering various services on the bus...
powerdevil: Can't contact ck
powerdevil: We are now into activity  "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
powerdevil: () ()
powerdevil: () ()
powerdevil: Loading profile for plugged AC
powerdevil: Activity is not forcing a profile
powerdevil: Loading timeouts with  300000
Created alarm 16777217
Created alarm 16777222
Created alarm 16777223
powerdevil: Profiles:  "AC" ""
powerdevil: Screen brightness value max:  15
powerdevil: set screen brightness value:  15
Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL
powerdevil: Handle button events action could not check for screen configuration
Created alarm 16777224
Created alarm 16777225
QDBusConnection: name 'org.kde.kglobalaccel' had owner '' but we thought it was ':1.9'
powerdevil: Screen brightness value:  15
powerdevil: Brightness changed!!
BlueDaemon: Already in OfflineMode
org.kde.kactivities.activities: Starting the KDE Activity Manager daemon QDateTime("2015-09-04 01:29:33.133 CEST Qt::LocalTime")
detected kglobalaccel restarting, re-registering all shortcut keys
kf5.kiconthemes: "Theme tree: (Breeze)"
kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/hynek/.cache/ksycoca5"
Setting the name:  "org.kde.ActivityManager.ActivityTemplates"
org.kde.kactivities.application: [   OK   ] loaded:   "Activity Templates"
org.kde.kactivities.application: [   OK   ] loaded:   "Event Spy"
Setting the name:  "org.kde.ActivityManager.Resources.Scoring"
Creating directory:  "/home/hynek/.local/share/kactivitymanagerd/resources/"
KActivities: Database connection:  "kactivities_db_resources_139650574174080_readwrite" 
    query_only:          QVariant(qlonglong, 0) 
    journal_mode:        QVariant(QString, "wal") 
    wal_autocheckpoint:  QVariant(qlonglong, 100) 
    synchronous:         QVariant(qlonglong, 1)
org.kde.kactivities.application: [   OK   ] loaded:   "Sqlite Feeder"
org.kde.kactivities.application: [   OK   ] loaded:   "Share-Like-Connect"
Service started, version: 6.2.0
powerdevil: Can't contact ck
powerdevil: We are now into activity  "c45106ea-5a1b-4d52-970d-69922b0a1f28"
powerdevil: () ()
powerdevil: () ()
powerdevil: Loading profile for plugged AC
powerdevil: Activity is not forcing a profile
powerdevil: Skipping action reload routine as profile has not changed
kdeinit5: Got EXT_EXEC '/usr/bin/kbuildsycoca5' from launcher.
kdeinit5: preparing to launch '/usr/bin/kbuildsycoca5'
kscreen: launcherDataAvailable: "org.kde.KScreen.Backend.XRandR"
kscreen.kded: Config KScreen::Config(0x274d9e0) is ready
kscreen.kded: Applying config
kscreen.kded: Calculating config ID for KScreen::Config(0x274d9e0)
kscreen.kded: 	Part of the Id:  "b3e2ed6ed5ca7d8efd06aec94d293916"
kscreen.kded: 	Config ID: "8a18ae0694d665632507962d66111f41"
kscreen.kded: Calculating config ID for KScreen::Config(0x274d9e0)
kscreen.kded: 	Part of the Id:  "b3e2ed6ed5ca7d8efd06aec94d293916"
kscreen.kded: 	Config ID: "8a18ae0694d665632507962d66111f41"
kscreen.kded: Applying known config "8a18ae0694d665632507962d66111f41"
kscreen: Primary output changed from KScreen::Output(Id: 66 , Name: "LVDS1" ) ( "LVDS1" ) to KScreen::Output(Id: 66 , Name: "LVDS1" ) ( "LVDS1" )
kscreen.kded: Finding a mode for QSize(1280, 800) @ 60.0474
kscreen.kded: 	Found:  "76"   QSize(1280, 800) @ 60.0474
kscreen: Primary output changed from KScreen::Output(Id: 66 , Name: "LVDS1" ) ( "LVDS1" ) to KScreen::Output(NULL) ( "none" )
kscreen: Primary output changed from KScreen::Output(Id: 66 , Name: "LVDS1" ) ( "LVDS1" ) to KScreen::Output(Id: 66 , Name: "LVDS1" ) ( "LVDS1" )
kscreen.kded: doApplyConfig()
kbuildsycoca5 running...
kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/hynek/.cache/ksycoca5"
Reusing existing ksycoca
Recreating ksycoca file ("/home/hynek/.cache/ksycoca5", version 300)
Still in the time dict (i.e. deleted files) ("apps")
Menu "applications-kmenuedit.menu" not found.
kscreen: Launcher finished with exit code 0 , status 1
kscreen.kded: Config applied
kscreen.kded: Monitor for changes:  true
kscreen: Launcher finished with exit code 0 , status 1
Emitting notifyDatabaseChanged ("apps")
kdeinit5: PID 3032 terminated.
kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/hynek/.cache/ksycoca5"
kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/hynek/.cache/ksycoca5"
kdeinit5: Got SETENV 'KDE_MULTIHEAD=false' from launcher.
kf5.kded: kded module "proxyscout" has already been found using JSON metadata, please don't install the now unneeded .desktop file ("kded/proxyscout.desktop").
Initializing  "kcm_access" :  "kcminit_access"
kf5.kservice.sycoca: Trying to open ksycoca from "/home/hynek/.cache/ksycoca5"
kdeinit5: Got EXEC_NEW '/usr/bin/kaccess' from launcher.
kdeinit5: preparing to launch '/usr/bin/kaccess'
Initializing  "kcm_style" :  "kcminit_style"
QCoreApplication::arguments: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Communication problem with  "kaccess" , it probably crashed. 
Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" " 

kdeinit5: PID 3036 terminated.
kdeinit5: Got SETENV 'GTK_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk/gtkrc:/home/hynek/.gtkrc:/home/hynek/.config/gtkrc' from launcher.
kdeinit5: Got SETENV 'GTK2_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:/home/hynek/.gtkrc-2.0:/home/hynek/.config/gtkrc-2.0' from launcher.
Initializing  "kded_touchpad" :  "kcminit_touchpad"
Width:  3798  height:  2936
Approx. resX:  42  resY:  58
Touchpad resolution: x:  75  y:  105
Final resolution x: 75  y: 105
Initializing  "kcm_input" :  "kcminit_mouse"
kdeinit5: PID 3006 terminated.
kdeinit5: Got KWRAPPER 'ksmserver' from wrapper.
kdeinit5: preparing to launch 'libkdeinit5_ksmserver'
kf5.kiconthemes: "Theme tree: (Breeze)"
kdeinit5: PID 3046 terminated.
startkde: Shutting down...
kdeinit5: terminate KDE.
klauncher: Exiting on signal 1
QDBusAbstractAdaptor: Cannot relay signal KDEDModule::moduleDeleted(KDEDModule*): Pointers are not supported: KDEDModule*
QDBusAbstractAdaptor: Cannot relay signal KDEDModule::moduleDeleted(KDEDModule*): Pointers are not supported: KDEDModule*
QDBusAbstractAdaptor: Cannot relay signal KDEDModule::moduleDeleted(KDEDModule*): Pointers are not supported: KDEDModule*
QDBusAbstractAdaptor: Cannot relay signal KDEDModule::moduleDeleted(KDEDModule*): Pointers are not supported: KDEDModule*
QDBusAbstractAdaptor: Cannot relay signal KDEDModule::moduleDeleted(KDEDModule*): Pointers are not supported: KDEDModule*
QDBusAbstractAdaptor: Cannot relay signal KDEDModule::moduleDeleted(KDEDModule*): Pointers are not supported: KDEDModule*
startkde: Running shutdown scripts...
startkde: Done.
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/bin/kdeinit5 from kdeinit
Warning: connect() failed: : No such file or directory
KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/bin/kdeinit5 directly
KCrash: crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2
KCrash: Application Name = kdeinit5 path = /usr/bin pid = 3005
KCrash: Arguments: /usr/bin/kdeinit5 
kdeinit5: preparing to launch 'libkdeinit5_klauncher'
kdeinit5: Launched KLauncher, pid = 3089, result = 0
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyQXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :0
kdeinit5: Communication error with launcher. Exiting!

-- System Information:
Debian Release: stretch/sid
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (990, 'testing'), (500, 'unstable'), (1, 'experimental')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Foreign Architectures: i386

Kernel: Linux 4.1.0-1-amd64 (SMP w/4 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

Versions of packages plasma-desktop depends on:
ii  breeze                              4:5.3.2-4+b1
ii  kactivities                         5.12.0-2
ii  kde-cli-tools                       4:5.3.2-2
ii  kded5                               5.13.0-1
ii  libc6                               2.19-19
ii  libcanberra0                        0.30-2.1
ii  libfontconfig1                      2.11.0-6.3
ii  libgcc1                             1:5.2.1-15
ii  libkf5activities5                   5.12.0-2
ii  libkf5activitiesexperimentalstats1  4:5.3.2-2
ii  libkf5archive5                      5.13.0-1
ii  libkf5auth5                         5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5baloo1                        5.9.2-3
ii  libkf5bookmarks5                    5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5codecs5                       5.13.0-1
ii  libkf5completion5                   5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5configcore5                   5.13.0-1
ii  libkf5configgui5                    5.13.0-1
ii  libkf5configwidgets5                5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5coreaddons5                   5.13.0-1
ii  libkf5dbusaddons5                   5.13.0-1
ii  libkf5emoticons5                    5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5globalaccel5                  5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5guiaddons5                    5.13.0-1
ii  libkf5i18n5                         5.13.0-1
ii  libkf5iconthemes5                   5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5itemviews5                    5.13.0-1
ii  libkf5jobwidgets5                   5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5kcmutils5                     5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5kdelibs4support5              5.12.0-2
ii  libkf5kiocore5                      5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5kiofilewidgets5               5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5kiowidgets5                   5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5newstuff5                     5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5notifications5                5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5notifyconfig5                 5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5parts5                        5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5people5                       5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5peoplewidgets5                5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5plasma5                       5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5plasmaquick5                  5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5quickaddons5                  5.12.0-2
ii  libkf5runner5                       5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5service5                      5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5solid5                        5.13.0-1
ii  libkf5sonnetui5                     5.13.0-1
ii  libkf5wallet5                       5.12.0-1
ii  libkf5widgetsaddons5                5.13.0-1
ii  libkf5windowsystem5                 5.13.0-3
ii  libkf5xmlgui5                       5.12.0-1
ii  libkfontinst5                       4:5.3.2-2
ii  libkfontinstui5                     4:5.3.2-2
ii  libkworkspace5-5                    4:5.3.2-4
ii  libphonon4qt5-4                     4:4.8.3-1
ii  libpulse-mainloop-glib0             6.0-5
ii  libpulse0                           6.0-5
ii  libqt5concurrent5                   5.4.2+dfsg-5
ii  libqt5core5a                        5.4.2+dfsg-5
ii  libqt5dbus5                         5.4.2+dfsg-5
ii  libqt5gui5                          5.4.2+dfsg-5
ii  libqt5network5                      5.4.2+dfsg-5
ii  libqt5printsupport5                 5.4.2+dfsg-5
ii  libqt5qml5                          5.4.2-4
ii  libqt5quick5                        5.4.2-4
ii  libqt5svg5                          5.4.2-3
ii  libqt5widgets5                      5.4.2+dfsg-5
ii  libqt5x11extras5                    5.4.2-2+b1
ii  libqt5xml5                          5.4.2+dfsg-5
ii  libstdc++6                          5.2.1-15
ii  libtaskmanager5                     4:5.3.2-4
ii  libusb-0.1-4                        2:0.1.12-25
ii  libx11-6                            2:1.6.3-1
ii  libx11-xcb1                         2:1.6.3-1
ii  libxcb-record0                      1.10-3+b1
ii  libxcb-xkb1                         1.10-3+b1
ii  libxcb1                             1.10-3+b1
ii  libxcursor1                         1:1.1.14-1+b1
ii  libxfixes3                          1:5.0.1-2+b2
ii  libxi6                              2:1.7.4-1+b2
ii  libxkbfile1                         1:1.0.8-1
ii  oxygen-sounds                       4:5.3.2-3
ii  plasma-desktop-data                 4:5.3.2-2
ii  plasma-framework                    5.12.0-1
ii  plasma-workspace                    4:5.3.2-4
ii  polkit-kde-agent-1                  4:5.3.2-1
ii  qml-module-org-kde-kwindowsystem    5.12.0-2
ii  qml-module-org-kde-solid            5.13.0-1
ii  qtdeclarative5-kf5declarative       5.12.0-2

Versions of packages plasma-desktop recommends:
ii  bluedevil             4:5.3.2-1
ii  fonts-oxygen          4:5.3.2-2
ii  kde-config-gtk-style  4:5.3.2-1
ii  kde-config-sddm       4:5.3.2-1
ii  kde-style-oxygen-qt5  4:5.3.2-3+b1
ii  khelpcenter           4:5.3.2-2
ii  khotkeys              4:5.3.2-2
ii  kinfocenter           4:5.3.2-2
ii  kio-extras            4:5.3.2-2
ii  kmenuedit             4:5.3.2-1
ii  kscreen               4:5.3.2-4
ii  ksshaskpass           4:5.3.2-1
ii  ksysguard             4:5.3.2-2
ii  kwin-wayland [kwin]   4:5.3.2-4
ii  kwin-x11 [kwin]       4:5.3.2-4
ii  kwrited               4:5.3.2-1
ii  muon-discover         4:5.3.2-3
ii  muon-notifier         4:5.3.2-3
ii  muon-updater          4:5.3.2-3
ii  powerdevil            4:5.3.2-1
ii  sni-qt                0.2.7+15.10.20150729-1
ii  systemsettings        4:5.3.2-2
ii  user-manager          4:5.1.95-1

plasma-desktop suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information

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