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Bug#791340: Fixed meanwhile


A recent enough version of plasma desktop including kcmshell5 is available.

merkaba:~> apt-file search kcmshell5
kde-cli-tools: /usr/bin/kcmshell5
kde-cli-tools: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkdeinit5_kcmshell5.so

I am already on Plasma 5 on KDE Frameworks 5 and kscreen works just nice 
here again.

The Plasma desktop is currently in the transition from version 4, based on 
Qt 4, to version 5, based on Qt 5.

It may be helpful to avoid creating unnecessary work to wait with bug 
reports for at least a week from now. I know its important to report bugs 
before packages transition to testing, but I think giving it a week will 
help to avoid creating a lot of reports for bugs that are just of temporary 

Unstable is called this way for a reason and the transition from Plasma 4 to 
Plasma 5 would not be atomic.

But your mileage may vary. I will refrain from reporting bugs for a week at 
least as I think it just creates additional work for the Debian Qt/KDE team. 
And its more important to get those new packages into unstable quickly to 
shorten the transition time.


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