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Bug#782063: Processed: severity of 782063 is serious

severity 782063 important

As discussed with RT, bugs can't be RC on non-release archs.

But if someone wants to fix this sooner than waiting for the next upload:

- Clone the git repo and be sure to use the version in sid (master branch)
- Run getbuildlog qtwebkit-opensource-src last
- Run pkgkde-symbolshelper batchpatch -v 5.3.2 *.log
- Check the symbols files. They should have no MISSING symbols (if it has, see 
- Write a mail to debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org attaching the symbols diff.
- I'll review the changes. Beware that they might be *a lot* and might need 
quite some editing.
- Once changes are accepted either I or someone from the team will push it to 
the repo.
- Build and push to the archive. Beware that you will need at least 4GB of 
RAM+swap *available* (ie, not used by something else) to be able to build this 
beast. The build takes ~4hs in a 2-core machine with a 5200RPM hard disk.

2: Windows con las funciones que realiza se clasifica como:
    * Un bug
    Damian Nadales

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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