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Re: qt5 symbols in raspbian jessie.

On Thursday 09 April 2015 01:07:47 peter green wrote:
> I meant to bring this up earlier but didn't get arround to it.
> In raspbian jessie we have encountered some symbols differences from
> Debian armhf, so-far i've been marking the symbols in question as
> optional but i'm not positive if this is the right thing to do.
> You can see our debdiffs at
> http://debdiffs.raspbian.org/main/q/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/qtdeclarati
> ve-opensource-src_5.3.2-4%2brpi1.debdiff
> http://debdiffs.raspbian.org/main/q/qtwebkit-opensource-src/qtwebkit-openso
> urce-src_5.3.2%2bdfsg-3%2brpi1.debdiff
> Are these symbols just template insanciations that can be safely marked
> as optional or is there more to it than that?

$ c++filt _ZN3WTF22isMainThreadOrGCThreadEv

Generally default constructors and destructors might appear and dissapear from 
gcc version to other. Check the header for the relevant file.

$ c++filt 
std::pair<std::(and more foo)

Template instantiations are normally optional. Moreover should not expose any 
std:: symbol. So they are normally optional.

There is a page in KDE's techbase wiki that explains all these, but as a 
general rule check the headers provided in the package. If the symbols in 
there have not changed then they are usually fine. 

Simulations are not data. In God we trust, all the others must supply data.
 Walter Opyd, "Show Me The Data" IEEE Spectrum's reader's comments,

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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