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Bug#764893: PATCH for qtwebsockets-opensource-src FTBFS (hppa/ppc/all)

On Sunday 25 January 2015 09:05:15 Helge Deller wrote:
> >> If it's correct, maybe can push it upstream to
> >> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-43804 ?> 
> > Upstream Qt uses Gerrit [1][2] for code review, so please submit your
> > patch that way if you can (you will also need to sign the CLA to be
> > able to do that).
> I would prefer if you could handle that.
> I don't have such agreements signed...

a) You don't need to sign anything, just create an account and accept the 
terms. It basically boils down to: "The copyright of my patches are mine but I 
give Digia/the Qt Company the rights to use it in their commercial edition". 
Basically still free software, but more BSD-like.

b) An alternative is if you publicly declare your patch under a BSD license, 
like for example replying to this thread. This is the easiest way for you, but 
we try to let the original patch coders to submit them upstream.

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

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Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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