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Re: Reply for Call for help from KDE Team

¡Hola sibi!

El 2014-05-07 a las 10:32 +0530, sibi kanagaraj escribió:
> //, I would say that cleaning some
> old bugs would help us. That means checking bugs that have no activity for
> quite some time (let's say 6 months), verify that the bug is still there and
> close it otherwise. In any case, add a new entry in the bug log saying what
> you found.//

> I have not done this before . So , I decided to wait for few days and observe
> the happenings and thought that I could figure out what is to be done . Daily I
> see some 10-12 bug tracking mails .Apart from that , I have not been able to
> trace out whats happening .

It's not always easy to know what's happening. :)

I think the motto for this call for help could be "don't be affraid to ask for
help". So you are encouraged to ask, using irc has some advantages for this,
but it's perfectly fine if you prefer mail.

Rereading what I ask you to do, it's a quite hard task, as it's phrased in a
way that makes me think "do this query and work on the results", but the query
part is not easy at all. I finally managed to get a list with a very
unefficient sql query to udd.debian.org:

select distinct bs.id, bs.status, bs.last_modified
       from public.all_packages as ps
            join public.all_bugs bs on (ps.package = bs.package)
       where ( ps.maintainer_email = 'debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org' or
               ps.maintainer_email = 'pkg-kde-extras@lists.alioth.debian.org' )
             and bs.status != 'done' and bs.status != 'fixed'
             and (bs.last_modified + interval '6 months') < now();

For which you need to do the query from alioth as is documented here:

And sort of understand the database schema:

All of it is way beyond what I intended as a first task, I'm really sorry.

Please, if someone has a better way to get this results, tell me.

> If there is any documentation on what is to be read , I will read it and start
> checking the bugs .

There is some, but its quite dispersed, improving the documentation to become
a more welcomming team is one of the things that we need to do, please don't
forget your first doubts so you can help us improve the experience.

"If a million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
-- France's Rule of Folly
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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