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Bug#763193: kde-base: KDE Memory leak still present in jessie

¡Hola Leslie!

El 2014-09-29 a las 18:11 -0500, Leslie Rhorer escribió:
> On 9/29/2014 5:17 PM, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
> >When you say loaded, do you mean installed?

>	Yes.  apt-get install xxxxxx.  The list is in the bug report.

> >Which desktop environment were you running?

>	KDE 4.14.1.  It's what ships with "jessie".

> >How did you check the memory consumption?

>	A couple of different ways.  `free` shows total usage, of course.

free is completly useless here.

> `gnome-system-monitor` is a handy GUI based system info app.  For example,
> right now, after being active few hours, kded4 is allocated 932 MiB, with
> only a Konsole session with 4 tabs and Gnome-system-monitor active.  Compare
> that with KDE 4.4.5, running under Debian Squeeze on another machine that
> has had KDE up for days.  It's using 35 MB.  The entire system is only using
> 700 MB, and there are quite a few apps running.

Ok, gnome-system-monitor shows the rss usage by default. A more detailed
information can be obtained with (the following commands assume that there is
only one kded4 running, if there are more, for different users, or whatever,
please adapt the commands):

$ pid=$(pidof kded4)
$ ps u $pid | tee /tmp/kded4_leak
maxy      5568  0.0  2.0 1615380 160056 ?      Sl   Sep24   0:12 kdeinit4: kded4 [kdeinit]

And use the pid to get information about the maps:

$ cat /proc/$pid/smaps | tee -a /tmp/kded4_leak

And pmap, just because it's easier to read than the plain smaps;

$ pmap -x $pid | tee -a /tmp/kded4_leak

Since its all text, compressing the /tmp/kded4_leak file before sending it as
an attachment would be useful (some mail clients like kmail allow you the
compress the attachment directly from it).

You can produce a compressed /tmp/kded4_leak.gz with:

$ gzip -9 /tmp/kded4_leak

Could you please attach the produced file to this bug?

> >Which app, and how did you check?

>	Kded4, using Gnome-system-monitor.  Perhaps notably, udisks-daemon does not
> seem to be swelling like it did under "wheezy".

>	Just in the time it has taken to write this message, kded4 has swollen to
> 950 MB.

Happy hacking,
"Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for
machines to execute."
-― Hal Abelson, "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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