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Bug#735488: qt4-x11: Add arm64 support

+++ Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer [2014-08-15 22:05 -0300]:
> I was really expecting this mail :)
> First of all, allow me to congratulate you an the rest of the arm64 porters 
> for it's inclusion in the archive :)

Cheers. We're making good progress there.
> This is a "quick and dirty" mail to let you know that I'm looking at this, but 
> please give me some time to check this facts. Tip: I'm not currently very 
> available, so it might take me time, although some of my team mates might show 
> up too.

Cheers. I am at bootstrap sprint for next 4 days. Then debconf 3 days after that.

> On Friday 15 August 2014 23:46:19 Wookey wrote:
> [snip] 
> > OK. So I've brought the atomic queries to the attention of Steve
> > Capper, who understands this stuff. He observed that the memory
> > barriers are not the right type. They'll work (as they are the 'mos
> > expensive' type) but will be slower than is necessary. Hopefully he'll
> > find time to have a look at that reasonably soon, but he's a busy man
> > at the moment.
> To be honest this is not what I remember, IIRC they will not work. But I'll 
> double check the comments upstream did to the patches.

OK. Steve was planning to comment there too.

> > In an attempt to solve the -fpermissive thing, I updated the patches
> > for the current qt4-x11 package to try and get an example build log
> > (without -fpermissive) to wave at people who grokked C++ and
> > arm64. This involved some tweaking of the arch/ABI identification
> > logic wich was bust and by using dpkg_arch ('arm64') in place of uname
> > -m ('aarch64') then checking for arm* later, it incorrectly identified
> > the ABI as 'arm' and tried to build wrong assembler. So I've fixed
> > that up to not use the hacky mechanism and re-order the checks/extend
> > the regeps so both arm64 and aarch64 end up pointing at QTs internel
> > 'aarch64', and other arm* names refer to QTs internal 'arm'.
> > 
> > And now it seems that the -fpermissive problem has gone away. The
> > package builds without -fpermissive on arm64 (maybe updated compiler,
> > maybe updated sources, maybe updated something else - who knows?
> \o/ I skimmed trough the patch an indeed it seems sensible. Moreover, it has 
> high chances of getting upstreamed. Did you do this part of the patch (namely 
> the part that touches configure)?

Yes. I hereby licence my (minor changes to existing work) under BSD or expat.
> You know that I would *love* to get this upstreamed but in order to do so I 
> need to:
> a) in case the patch is really simple or not really copyrighteable I might 
> push it directly. But it is much much better if at least I can write down who 
> the original coder was.

I just adjusted the existing configure stuff so it was right. I
removed 3 lines, swapped position of 4 lines and changed a regexp. I
don't think that's copyrightable, and you already have suitable
licence on the previous patch.

> b) In the case the patch is copyrighteable (ie, just not a couple of "obvious" 
> changes) I need to find the original coder and convince him/her to either:
>   b1) push the patch him/herself to upstream's gerrit instance (preferred 
> because it allows upstream to make questions or ask for changes directly to 
> the people who code them).
>   b2) publicly announce (could be a mail to this very same bug, a gined mail 
> is a plus) that the patch is licensed with a permissive enough license like 
> some BSD one. The downside of this approach is that in case upstream finds 
> something they don't like I need to be a proxy between them.
> I would really *love* if you can help me with this, as I don't know exactly 
> who did what (I might infer some of that data from the previous splitted 
> patches).

I just took the previous patch and made above changes. 

> > Anyway I guess we can call it fixed until we see evidence otherwise.
> Definitely.
> > Attached is current patch (obviously with atomics stuff unchanged)
> > 
> > (The nice neat separated patches did not work for me and I've not had
> > time to separate this one out into nice pieces, sorry).
> No problem, I'll take care of it.
> > Can we upload this so we at least have a working package in the
> > archive (which will very soon be needed by our nice new official
> > buildds), and refine the atomics patch for upstreaming in due course?
> Please allow me to recheck the assertion wrt the atomic stuff. If I'm 
> remembering right and the atomics did pose some problems then we would have an 
> instant RC bug. And if this is true and arm64 becomes a release arch we Qt 
> maintainers have a bug we can't fix ourselves, not to mention we would be 
> doing a disservice to our users.
> Now if the atomics are really not such a big problem count on me with the 
> patching, but please help me identifying who did which part of them. We really 
> want this upstreamed.

I hope I've provided enough info for that above. Bug me more if not.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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