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Bug#747906: kmix: almost always does not autostart on boot


Sorry for the delayed answer, I couldn't test things right away.
After one of upgrades (I can't recall what package and when exactly did it happen) this issue was mostly fixed. The bad behaviour I described in the first message now occurs much, much rarer; I'd say, practically never, or at least rare enough to not be very annoying. Though keyboard backlight still never works from the first start (that's why I said "mostly fixed").

2014-07-25 18:28 GMT+04:00 Maximiliano Curia <maxy@debian.org>:
Control: ressign -1 kde-workspace-bin 4:4.11.3-1


Since the problem is that some parts of the session are not starting, I would
say the one to blame is ksmserver and not kmix. In an "ideal" world, even if
a part fails to load the rest of the session should be unaffected. So, it
seems to me that you are hitting: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=328571

There are a few workarounds for this bug, one involves rebuilding kde4libs
with this patch:

Another involves reordering the autostart files in different phases.

Also, moving away some of the /usr/share/autostart/* files may be useful to
find the culprit.

Also using the default session seems to avoid the issue (that would be:
~/.kde/share/config/ksmserverrc [General] loginMode=default ).

I think that the problem is that some program invoked as an autostart is
breaking the ksmserver incantations, then the result is a partial session.

Doing some research, kmix had some issues prior kmix 4.11 that caused this,
that's the bug you found, but it seems to be fixed now, and the problem may be
caused by any other program.

Happy hacking,
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."
-- Alan Kay
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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